Identifying And Treating Pain From Nerve Tension

Nerve tension is pain that occurs because a nerve is being compressed or stuck in its surrounding tissue which prevents it from moving

Do I have a trapped nerve?

We all know that your joints move and your muscles contract and stretch. But did you know that your nerve tissue also needs to move freely and unimpeded? If your neural tissue is impeded then pain or restriction of your nerve movement is a common result.  The adverse neural tension can result in nerve pain and limited motion. This is what is commonly referred to as a trapped nerve.

Nerve tension is pain that occurs because a nerve is being compressed or stuck in its surrounding tissue which prevents it from moving within its tract like it normally does. This can happen for a variety of reasons.

Common examples of structures that can impede a nerve’s movement include:

  • Back Pain e.g. bulging disc
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
  • Pinched Nerve

Depending on the severity of the damage that is causing nerve tension, surgery may be necessary. However, in most cases nerve tension can be relieved through physical therapy such as osteopathy or physiotherapy, and prescribed stretching exercises.

Need home care ?

Call our office +1 848-200-6729 to find out more about receiving Physical Therapy treatment at home.

If you cannot come to us, we can come to you. We can provide outpatient physical therapy services in the comfort of your own home. This may be as a convenience or because you are not quite ready to transition to outpatient yet. Fit at Home believes, Home health care should be convenient and as effective as the care patients get in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. we work one-on-one with patients in their own environment, making services completely relevant to the patient’s needs and goals.

Fit at Home provides you with the ability to improve your clinical skills and achieve excellence alongside a team of talented practitioners. Through shared learning and mentoring experiences, you will be able to provide patients with the highest standard of care, treating a variety of cases in the home care setting. At Fit at Home, every patient is a partner in their care, encompassed by a team approach to maximize function.
